Contact Us
If your child has recently been diagnosed, we understand it is a very tricky time to process and navigate through what is the beginning of a long road ahead. There are lots of us who understand the challenges you are facing.. We are always here to reach out if you need a listening ear and to help point you in the right direction to get your child and family the best care and support, now and for the long term.
If you are involved in the life of a Williams Syndrome family member or friend, you are very welcome to join us in support of your loved one. If you would like to become a donor or sponsor, we would love to hear from you too.
If you are from interstate or have moved to Victoria recently, please make yourselves known to us. Our group is not just limited to Victorians. We have WS friends all over Australia and even abroad!
Williams Syndrome is not very common and has not traditionally been very well known (it was only given a name in the 1960s!). The Internet has helped to bring more attention to Williams Syndrome but there is a long way to go. We are interested in sharing information with supportive professionals such as doctors, educators and researchers, who are keen to find out more and help the cause of William Syndrome to be better understood and resourced.
Send us a short message below and we’ll get back to you quickly.